• Distribution and Weightage of Marks
  • i)   The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated subject – wise with a maximum of 100 marks for theory and 75 marks for practical subject. The project work shall be evaluated for 200 marks.

(ii)   For theory subjects the distribution shall be 25 marks for Internal Evaluation

And 75 mark for the End – Examinations.


(iii)   Out of 25 internal marks – 10 marks are assigned for subjective exam, 10 marks for objective “On Line” exam and 5 marks for attendance.


(iv)    For theory subjects, the marks for attendance are to be given as follows:


% of Attendance                            Marks


< 75%                                                  0

75% to <80%                                      1

80% to <85%                                      2

85% to <90%                                      3

90% to < 95%                                     4

95% and above                                    5


(v.)       For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be 2 tests. Each test consists of 20 minutes duration objective “On Line” exam for 10 marks and 120 minutes duration subjective exam for 40 marks. The Objective exam marks for 10 and subjective exam marks scaled for 10 to be added to get test marks for 20. The best of the two tests will be taken for internal marks. The first test to be conducted in 1-4 units and second test in 5-8 units of each semester.


Each Objective question paper shall contain 20 objective type questions for 10 marks. This examination is conducted “on line” to train the student for on line examinations such as GRE, GMAT etc.


Each subjective type test question paper shall contain 4 questions and all questions need to be answered. The subjective type question paper should be for 40 marks.
(vi.)      For practical subjects there shall be continuous evaluation during the semester for 25 internal marks and 50 semester end examination marks. Of the 25 marks for internal, 15 marks shall be awarded as follows: day to day work 10 and Record-5, and 10 marks to be awarded by conducting an internal laboratory test. The end examination shall be conducted by the teacher concerned and external examiner.


(vii.)     For the subject having design and / or drawing, (such as Engineering Graphics, Engineering Drawing, Machine Drawing) and estimation, the distribution shall be 25 marks for internal evaluation  ( 15 marks for day – to – day work, and 10 marks for internal tests) and 75 marks for end examination. There shall be two internal tests in a Semester and the better of the two shall be considered for the award of marks for internal tests.


(viii.)    Out of a total of 200 marks for the project work, 50 marks shall be for Internal Evaluation and 150 marks for the End Semester Examination. The End Semester Examination (Viva – Voce) shall be conducted by the committee. The committee consists of an external examiner, Head of the Department and Supervisor of the Project. The evaluation of project work shall be conducted at the end of the IV year. The Internal Evaluation shall be on the basis of two seminars given by each student on the topic of his project and evaluated by an internal committee.


(ix.)      Laboratory marks and the internal marks awarded by the College are not final. The marks are subject to scrutiny and scaling by the University wherever felt desirable. The internal and laboratory marks awarded by the College will be referred to a Committee. The Committee shall arrive at scaling factor and the marks will be scaled as per the scaling factor. The recommendations of the Committee are final and binding. The laboratory records and internal test papers shall be preserved in the respective departments as per the University norms and shall be produced to the Committees of the University as and when they ask for.