S.No. Name of the Staff Member Designation Dept. Designation in the Committee
1. P RAMA DEVI Assoc Professor & Head S & H Convener
2. N GLORY Asst.Professor EEE Member
3. J SUSMITHA Asst.Professor ECE Member
4. O BHULAKSHMI Asst.Professor CSE Member
5. B V RATHANAMMA Asst.Professor MBA Member
6. K RAJESWARI Student IV ECE Member
7. N SREEVANI Student IV CIVIL Member
8. P MADHURI Student IV CSE Member
9. S.B.K.D.K.PRASADA RAO Advocate Member



  1. Internal Complaints Committee will examine all matters relating to women in the workplace and will make suggestions and proposals to the institute administration regarding such matters.
  2. The committee will arrange programs on Women’s Day and at other times, as is deemed The Committee will report to the Principal.
  3. The committee will follow relevant Acts, Rules of Government of India and Court Orders etc., as applicable from time to time.
  4. To create awareness for the prevention of sexual harassment by promoting gender amity among staff, students and other