S.No. | Name of the Staff Member | Designation | Dept. | Designation in the Committee |
1. | P RAMA DEVI | Assoc Professor & Head | S & H | Convener |
2. | N GLORY | Asst.Professor | EEE | Member |
3. | J SUSMITHA | Asst.Professor | ECE | Member |
4. | O BHULAKSHMI | Asst.Professor | CSE | Member |
5. | B V RATHANAMMA | Asst.Professor | MBA | Member |
6. | K RAJESWARI | Student | IV ECE | Member |
7. | N SREEVANI | Student | IV CIVIL | Member |
8. | P MADHURI | Student | IV CSE | Member |
9. | S.B.K.D.K.PRASADA RAO | Advocate | Member |
- Internal Complaints Committee will examine all matters relating to women in the workplace and will make suggestions and proposals to the institute administration regarding such matters.
- The committee will arrange programs on Women’s Day and at other times, as is deemed The Committee will report to the Principal.
- The committee will follow relevant Acts, Rules of Government of India and Court Orders etc., as applicable from time to time.
- To create awareness for the prevention of sexual harassment by promoting gender amity among staff, students and other