S.No. Name of the Staff Member  Designation  Dept. Designation in the Committee
1 DR Y ESWARA RAO Principal CIVIL Chairman
2 M VENKATESWARLU Assoc Prof & Head EEE Convener
3 DR P PEDDA SADHU NAIK Professor & Head CSE Member
4 D RAMESH BABU Assoc Professor MECH Member
5 D PITCHAIAH Assoc Professor ECE Member
6 V HARI NAIK Assoc Professor CSE Member



  1. To counsel and guide SC/ ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues of college life
  2. To ensure provisions of an environment where all such students feel safe and
  3. To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the
  4. To provide the mechanism to redress the grievance of SC/ST students, if any
  5. To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of
  6. To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the career
  7. To aware the SC/ST students regarding various scholarships program of the State Government and
  8. To take such follow up measures to achieve the objectives and targets laid down by the Government of India and the UGC.


  1. To collect reports and information of the State Government and UGC’s orders on various aspects of education and guidance of SC/ST students.
  2. To circulate the State Government and UGC’s decisions about different scholarship
  3. To communicate with the students and motivate them for better future