- To afford students the mathematical, scientific, and technical foundation in order to develop, solve and analyse engineering problems as well as to get them ready for graduate studies.
- To equip students with knowledge in experimentation, analysis and synthesis in order to design, innovate and produce new products or solutions to the issues encountered in everyday life.
- To enhance the ability to solve issues in Mechanical Engineering utilizing modern computer software, justify and defend their solutions and to effectively communicate with all audiences through written, verbal and graphic methods.
- To endow students with managerial and entrepreneurial abilities, ethical and professional mindset in multidisciplinary approach so as to fulfill the industry and societal requirements.
Mechanical Engineering Program Students will be able to
- Comprehend the concepts of basic Mechanical Engineering and avail their theoretical and practical knowledge to resolve issues in Thermal Engineering, Machine Design, Production Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
- Utilize CAD, CAE and CAM tools along with analytical skills to solve engineering design and manufacturing challenges and find optimal solutions.